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Alumni Network

Finanssi alumni include all those students who have completed a bachelor’s or
master’s degree at the Oulu Business School. Alumni status is a bond that maintains
and strengthens the connections of a graduate to our student organization and
faculty. Alumni status is a welcome extension of student membership, as alumni
provide invaluable professional insights and valuable networks for our members.
Finanssi organizes and participates in various events in which our alumni can participate, for example, as guest experts. In addition, Finanssi organizes some
events throughout the year to which our alumni are also welcome. If you want to stay
involved and informed about Finanssi’s activities after your studies, join Finanssi’s
alumni LinkedIn and Facebook groups. Through these groups, you will hear about
events such as after-work gatherings for alumni, and you can also invite other alumni
to come together and organize alumni activities.

Finanssi alumni are naturally also alumni of the Oulu Business School. The Business
School has its own alumni network. More information about the alumni network, as
well as instructions on how to join the alumni network, can be found here.